Peace Be Upon U,guys...
I went to the mosque wif my mom when the sunset a.k.a. MAGHRIB arrived.
Im so glad today cz I can hear the TALK bout ISRA' MIKRAJ(one of the famous MUSLIM event that we celebrate every year).
Isra' Mikraj is all about the journey of PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH from Masjidil Haram (which is situated in Mecca) ----> Masjidil Aqsa (in Palestin) juz only ONE NIGHT.
Here,OUR CREATOR,ALLAH S.W.T had give an ORDER to MUSLIM to perform prayer a.k.a.SOLAH)
From 50 rakaah that ALLAH had asked MUSLIM to perform it,finally,the ORDER has been lightened to juz only 5 rakaah.
how merciful ALLAH is!
Then,in this event too,OUR PROPHET had saw many things which is many of them is bout the punishment for the people who against the obligation!
-people who hit their head to the rock:this people who didnt perform their solah
-people who sink in the disgusted liquid and blood:the punishment is for people who eat the orphans' property and money
and many more...
but this punishment is not to tell us that ALLAH didnt love us.
ALLAH just want to remind us to perform the obligation and avoid HIS prohibition.
whatever the TALK and PREACHING that give us some knowledge,especially the knowledge can make us closer to our GOD,ALLAH SWT
every single thing that we get from the TALK and we share it to others,we can get the REWARD.(in form of PAHALA)
when we went to this such of TALK we can feel the calm and beauty in ISLAM.
that is why we call it GARDEN OF HEAVN
in MALAY,we call it taman2 syurga...
إِذَا مَرَرْتُمْ بِرِيَاضِ الْجَنَّةِ فَارْتَعُوْا قَالُوْا
وَمَا رِيَاضُ الجَنَّةِ قَالَ حِلَقُ الذِّكْرِ
"When you pass the gardens of heaven drop by." Then the companions asked, "What are the gardens of Paradise, O Messenger of Allah?"
He replied, "The group of people who remind each other to Allah because Allah Ta'ala has angels around to find-people who rememberAllah. When they came to the people, then they would have covered it. "
(Narrated by Abu Nu'aim)
(Narrated by Abu Nu'aim)
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